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The Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery is a gem

Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery

The Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery will be closed until the beginning of Fall Term. Please check back in late September-early October for more details on the 2024-2025 schedule of shows

If you have any questions over the summer, please reach out to Kay Bunnenberg Boehmer or Deanne Beausoleil 


The Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery is in Building 3, Room 122. 

Have questions? Reach out to Kay Bunnenberg Boehmer, Deanne Beausoleil or our gallery assistant Amadeo Rehbein-Verhoeven.
You can contact the gallery directly at 503.399.2533 to learn more about our current shows.



    The Artist in Residence Program at the Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery occurs at the Salem campus of Chemeketa Community College in the Gretchen Schuette Art Gallery. The Artist in Residence Program offers a single artist or a group of up to three artists the use of the gallery space as an art studio along with a future exhibition.

    The artist, or artists, get quality uninterrupted time and space to complete a body of work or foster new directions. They may also gain access to kilns, still life props, and printing presses. In exchange for the studio space, the artist offers two public educational programs such as slide lectures, open visitor hours, or workshops.

    For more detailed information, please contact the Art Program at Chemeketa Community College with further questions 503.399.6093.