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Providing Chemeketa students with financial assistance since 1973

The Chemeketa Foundation

Together, we make college possible. Together, we change lives.

Foundation Scholarships Make College Possible

In 1973, a small group of dedicated community members joined together offering small loans to student-parents trying to earn their degree. Fifty years later, the Chemeketa Foundation has evolved to support hundreds of students each year through more than 140 unique scholarships and assistance funds.

Give Now

Chemeketa Foundation's Role

With your help, the Chemeketa Foundation provides resources, opportunity and hope to students in need. Some of our current funding priorities include –

  • Childcare scholarships for student parents
  • First generation college student support
  • Students in specific programs like nursing, fire science and automotive
  • Funding for our College Inside program for incarcerated students
  • Emergency student reliefs funds including our on-campus food pantry

STARS 2024

The 2024 STARS reception was a very special event. Held in May at the Salem Convention Center, this is an opportunity for our donors and recipients to come together sharing stories and celebrating a successful school year. True to its form, it was an emotional afternoon where donors had the opportunity to meet their scholarship recipients and hear their stories.  We captured the afternoon event on video for all to enjoy.

You can watch directly on YouTube.

  • Apply for Scholarships February 1 - March 31 for the upcoming academic year

    All new and returning students can apply for Chemeketa Foundation scholarships through one online application by visiting You will be automatically matched with scholarships meeting your qualifications based on the responses in your application.

    Our main application window is once a year from February 1 - March 31. Apply by March 31 to be considered for scholarships during the following academic year. There may be an additional application opening during the summer and fall terms for second round awards. Learn more about applying for Chemeketa Foundation scholarships here.

  • Making a donation

    You can help make college possible for Chemeketa students. To make a tax-deductible, one-time or recurring donation to a specific scholarship fund or establish a new scholarship, visit Contact us for more information. 

    • You can use our online giving site to make a one-time or recurring gift via debit or credit card
    • You can also give by sending a check made payable to 'Chemeketa Foundation' by mail to –
      Chemeketa Foundation
      4000 Lancaster Dr. NE
      Salem, OR 97305
    • Additional giving options include making a Planned Gift as part of your estate plan, a transfer of stock, vehicle donations to our auto or emergency services programs, and/or non-cash contributions of materials and equipment toward our programs.
      • The donor and/or receiving college department will need to complete our Chemeketa Foundation In-kind Gift Form prior to accepting non-cash gifts. You should speak with a representative of the Foundation before submitting your completed form. Please contact us via email or by calling 503.365.4747.

    When you give through the Chemeketa Foundation, 100% of all gifts received directly support our students and/or programs. The Foundation is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization governed by a volunteer board of directors. Gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, tax ID # 93-6097106.