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Go the distance and achieve your dream at Chemeketa's Salem Campus

Salem Campus

Proudly making our home in Oregon's capital.


The oldest and largest of our campuses, Chemeketa Salem provides a full college experience in Oregon’s capital city.

The tree-lined main entry welcomes you to the Salem Campus. All of the main buildings are joined together by skybridges.

Once here, you will learn not in large lecture halls, but small classrooms that create direct relationship with our faculty. We offer state-of-the-art career and technical facilities, along with smart classrooms throughout campus as you pursue a certificate or degree

The Salem Campus offers everything you expect in college life, along with features for the community as a whole 

  • Student clubs
  • Athletic teams
  • Multicultural center
  • Art gallery
  • Planetarium
  • Auditorium

 Tours of the Salem Campus are available daily.

Salem Campus map