Student Life
The Student Life Office is here to help you create a college experience, connect with friends, gain skills for employment and achieve your educational and personal goals.
Student Life Programs
Associated Students of Chemeketa (ASC) - Student Government
Multicultural Student Services (MSS)
Student Life offers the following services to support student involvement, engagement, and success:
- Food Pantry
- Student IDs (Digital)
- Student Sponsored Activities
- Student Lounge
- Student Center
- Multicultural Center
Student Life - Leadership Positions
ASC – Student Government Representatives
MSS – Multicultural Student Services Program Assistants
SLA – Student Life Assistants
How to get a Student Leadership Job
For more information, please follow this link: Student Leadership Opportunities
Civic Engagement
Chemeketa provides the opportunity for students to learn through participation in a variety of civic engagement activities:
- Community service
- Chemeketa Legislative Internship Program
- Free speech