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Take the Next Step with a GED

Whether you are looking to earn your GED as a youth, adult or even in Spanish, Chemeketa has options for you.

GED Preparation Options that Fit Your Life

If you are 18 or older, you may earn a high school equivalency certificate by passing General Educational Development (GED) tests in English or Spanish. There are four tests covering language arts (writing and reading), social studies, science, and mathematics.

Learn how to schedule and take your GED test.

High School Equivalency Program (HEP) is for Seasonal Workers

If you are a migrant or seasonal farmworker, HEP provides you and your children with a program to earn your GED.

Basic Skills Development (BSD)

The Basic Skills Development program offers non-credit classes to those college students who would like to improve college placement scores. Students may take any of the classes offered in the GED program listed above.