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Center for Business & Industry to Host Cybersecurity Presentation

DateWednesday, October 26, 2022, 11:28

AuthorChemeketa Public Affairs

Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry will host a Lunch and Learn to inform the public about preventing a cybersecurity attack


Chemeketa Center for Business and Industry (CCBI) will host the first CCBI Lunch and Learn titled “Cybersecurity: What You Need to Know to Prevent an Attack.” The presentation will take place on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, from 12 pm - 1:15 pm at 626 High Street NE, in the auditorium in room 106. The event is free and open to the public. 

The world is increasingly dependent on technology. Information technology (IT) systems are more complex and interconnected than ever. Likewise, malicious cyber actors are highly skilled, and the number of attacks is increasing. Speakers Cinnamon Albin, State of Oregon Cyber Strategist and Planner, and Theresa Masse from the United States Department of Homeland Security will identify threats, provide cyber best practices and recommendations, share resources, and provide proactive and reactive services. 

Government organizations and businesses are a major target and are targeted all day, every day. The presentation will cover resources, services, and guides from Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA), Multi-State- Information Sharing and Analysis Center (MS-ISAC), and Oregon Cyber Disruption Response and Recovery (OCDR). Most of these resources are free of cost. Taking advantage of free services enables organizations to allocate precious budget dollars to other important security controls. 

Attendees can bring their own lunch for the Lunch and Learn. Participants may register at, but walkins are also accepted on the day of the event free of charge. For more information, contact Lori McCauley at

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