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2024 Education Bond

The November 5 general election includes a general obligation bond measure for Chemeketa. This page provides information about the bond.

The Chemeketa Community College Board of Education unanimously voted to approve Resolution No. 23-24-13, calling for a General Obligation Bond Measure to be included in the November 5 general election.

You can read our news post on the bond measure or look below for answers to frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How much is the new Bond?

    The measure would cost taxpayers $0.27 per $1000 of assessed property value. The owner of a home assessed at $350,000 would pay $94.50 per year or $7.88 per month.  If passed, the 2024 bond will generate $140 million in revenue designated for campus/center upgrades.

  • When will the 2008 Chemeketa Bond retire?

    This Bond is scheduled to retire in fiscal year 2026.

  • What is the duration of the new Bond?

    While final details will be determined post-election, it is anticipated that the new bond will have multiple issuances over a term of 15-20 years.

  • What does the new Chemeketa Bond buy with the new revenue?

    The college held extensive community and campus meetings to identify priority areas. If passed, the new bond will pay for:

    • Expanding career and technical education: Increase capacity in healthcare, the trades, and emergency services.
    • Brooks Center reconfiguration: Expand programming for healthcare and emergency services.
    • Building 33 renovation: Create a new trades center for apprenticeship programs (plumbing, HVAC, sheet metal) on the Salem Campus.
    • Building 7 renovation: Modernize the 1981 structure for health and wellness programming, complementing its current physical education use and reconfiguring it with federal matching funds to serve the community as a disaster resource site.
    • Classroom modernization: Keep pace with technological and academic best practices.
    • Parking lot improvements: Enhance safety across Chemeketa's campuses/centers.
    • Woodburn Center: Introduce a new science lab which would allow students to complete associate degrees locally. (The Center does not currently have a science lab.)
    • Student engagement: Create spaces to support student services, focusing on Salem Campus’s Building 2 and athletic fields.

    If the bond does not pass, the projects would not be completed as proposed and taxes would not be imposed.

  • When is the election?

    The election is November 5, with ballots mailed out October 17.